APPLICATIONMultronics RF Inductors and associated components are unsurpassed for providing accuracy and stability in communications systems requiring impedance matching, phase shifting, power dividing, and filtering networks. Widely accepted by the communications industry and other equipment manufacturers, these components are used domestically and internationally in a variety of equipment from amateur radio to high-power LF, and from induction heating to cyclotrons. Highest qualify RF materials, precise engineering designs, and controlled fabrication techniques used in the production of Multronics RF components result in reliable HI-Q systems. Multronics RF inductors range from 15 to 100 amperes current handling capability with inductance values of 5 to 620 microhenries. Other sizes and ratings than those listed are available on special order. Related accessories for use in RF systems are listed to indicate the complete line of RF components available to communications engineers and radio broadcasters. |
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